Friday, July 30, 2010

Volleyball =)

Heyyo!! wahahahx....decided to update today went to sku as usual, didn't really had lessons today to me...more of playing=) hehex...Mdm Tay and Ms Boh gonna retire soon=( no!!!! awwww!!!! was shocked when I found out that Ms Tam was once her student in IJ sku.hahax...anyways..this morning, Agatha told me smth which pissed me off..some bitch just did man...tat stupid farking bytch got nth better to do ya see...she can still push the blame to others seyh..kay kay, nvm....shall not talk about tat anymore=)) so...practiced Volleyball today during PE XD was damn fun! wahahax....If I'm not wrong,next Friday is sports day..playing volleyball this year...can't wait XD hahax...aft PE was math lesson then sku ended.. stayed back for lunch then headed to my tuition centre at 2.30....tats all for today=)

Supposed to be doing my homework now...oops!=)hahax

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